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The UNDP - Govt. of India National Jute Development Program was launched in 1992 with a UNDP assistance of US $ 23 million (find US $ 20.35 million) and a Govt. of India commitment of Rs 500 million.  It was a program to revitalize the jute sector and to diversify its products to realise higher values for the jute fibre.  Its aim was to search for and develop diversified, high value added jute-based products through an ambitious R&D programme, and to encourage entrepreneurs to commercialize it through an incentive credit facility.  Machinery needed to modernise the jute muth was also to be undigenised.  During the progress of programme several changes were made and new activities were accommodated by the suggestions made by evaluation teams.
The Terminal Evaluation of the programme was carried out in May 1998.  The evaluation teams finds that the National Jute Development programme was highly successful to meet its principal objective to revitalise India's jute industry and its R&D.  The Ninth Five-year Plan (1997-2002) document emphasis on economic growth, industrial production, productivity and exports, infrastructure, building and agricultural production.

Jute  Processing Chart

Selection,  Softening  &  Piling,  Carding

Drawing &   Doubling, Spinning, winding, Beaming/Dressing


Weaving, Damping & Calendering, Lapping,  Cutting etc.

UNDP and Govt. of India- National Jute Development Program

Productivity Improvement in Jute Industry - Report by I. I. T Kharagpur, 2000


It also stressed on employment generation particularly for weaker sections, promote environment friendly practices.  The National Policy framework on Generation of Productive Employment (NPFGPE) aims to provide opportunities for employment, technological advancement and to support economic activity for villages, small scale and micro enterprise.
The Government and UNDP outlined the country cooperation framework for 1997-2002.  Under this framework a fibre and handicrafts programme and its jute sub-programme was designed.  The Fibre and Handicrafts Programme (FHAP) consists of a number of sub-programmes pertaining to jute, non-mulbery silk, angors wool, hand knotted carpets and cane and bamboo.

Rice Bran Oil (RBO) Technology - Food Grade Bags

Jute Composites

Advance Jute Testing Equipment

Research in Jute Related Fields


The Jute Sub-Programme :

The jute sub-programme proposes to carry on the key activities of the National Jute Development Programme and provide support to microenterprises, human resource development and jute agriculture.  The sub-programme also support as quality assurance for jute products, machinery development for the organised and the decentralised sectors and assistance to the entrepreneurs from the special jute development fund.







The jute sub programme will provide support to the following objectives :

  • Generate employment opportunities in fibres and handicrafts based activities and helps in growth of micro enterprises, artisan and small industries.

  • Provide for institutional strengthening, capacity between and linkage between the organised and the unorganised industries in the hand knotted carpet sector.

  • Impart income generating capability to the poor and the disadvantaged groups

  • Faciliate the development of indigenous technological capability and support environment friendly practices and processes.







The jute sub-program is structures to provide focused intervention on priority areas to unable proper utilisation of UNDP resources.  The sub-program fully utilises the manpower, technical knowledge and the network of National Jute Development Program.
The Ministry of Textile, Govt. of India is responsible for policy formation, regulation development and export promotion of textile sector.  Ministry of textiles decentralised the sectors into Development Commissioner for Handlooms, Handicrafts, Textile Commissioner and the Jute Commissioner.  The ministry also coordinates eight research associates related to textiles.  
The Jute Manufactures Development Council has been set up as a statutory body for the development and production of jute manufactures.  the National centre for jute diversification give a focused attention to diversification efforts in the jute sector.
The jute sub-program aims to follow up the results of the National Jute Development Program :

  • Support NGO, identity and promote new NGO to generate at least 3000 jobs.

  • Implementation of strategic marketing plan for jute goods of high value

  • Mill workers to be trained in modern technologies and process

  • Promotion of fine jute fibre cultivation, identification and procurement of texture equipment etc..


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